Go For a Run

Running is not only good for you but it feels good too. If you're not into running you will probably have a hard time believing that but it is true. Believe me I know. I spent most if my life thinking I hated running and trying to find any other possible way to get my cardio in. Every so often I would try it and when I was done I would be just as sure I was not ever going to be a runner. If your reading this article I am going to guess you can relate. I am also going to guess the reasons you don't like running are one or all of the three below:
Hurts your knees and lower back
Incredibly boring
Always feel like you are going to have an asthma attack
If you answered yes I am going to give the four tips that will make you love running. These four tips literally turned me from swearing I would never run again to including it as part of my regular training and actually looking forward to it. Give these tips a try 3 times a week for at least one month and I will bet you will signing up for your first mud run by this summer.
Tips For Running:
Get good running shoes
Make a playlist of some high energy songs you love
Push yourself past 3 miles
Get an app that tracks your distance and can share on social media
Get Good Running Shoes:
Having the right shoes will make all of the difference. They will take the impact off your back and knees, improve your form, and just feel good. Not to mention that there is something about new running shoes that makes you want to use them. Find a shoe store in your area that has a good return policy and well-trained staff. For your first pair make sure they let you try them on a treadmill in the store and give you feedback on how you run.
Make a Playlist:
Running is almost all mental. Having good music will make the time fly by and after a while you will almost feel as though you are running with the beat. Just remember to be aware of your surroundings. If you are running alone or in high traffic areas, make sure you can hear what is going on in the environment to stay safe.
Push Yourself:
This may be the hardest part, but it is critical. Somewhere around 3 miles, running gets easy. Unfortunately, there is a mental wall right before that, push through it. Try to run through it too, even if it is the worlds slowest run, keep the form and keep moving. Once you do it one time you will know you can do it again. I promise you, it get's easier. If it doesn't work, you quit to soon.
Get an App:
Social pressure is a powerful thing. Get an app that tells the world you are running and reports how far you ran. Set a goal for distance before you start and let the app share if you reached it. Go for distance not time. When you're just starting out, it doesn't matter if you are running 20 minute miles. You will not believe how much support your friends will give you and how motivating it will be. There are many apps out there. I prefer the Nike app, but just Google running apps and chose the one that best fits you.
Running releases endorphins that causes a euphoric feeling, no matter how much you don't want to go out that day you will feel better after you run. It is good for your bones, your heart, and an incredibly efficient way to lose weight. The best part is, it is free and you can do it anywhere. You will never again have the excuse that you can't work out, and that is a good thing. There you have it, follow these 4 tips, run 3 times a week for one month, and you will run for life; Live FIt, Be Fit...
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Fast Fit Facts... Live Fit, Be Fit!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Bryan_Mostowski 

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